Sailor Moon Pictures from Episode "Little Miss Manners"

"Little Miss Manners"

Serena wants to go to the Princess Seminar at Countess Rose's finishing school. Serena dreams of dancing with Tuxedo Mask.
Serena dreams about making Miss Haruna bow down to her.Miss Haruna yells at Serena for sleeping in class.
Luna is shocked to learn that Artemis is Central Control.Serena is caught watching the Princess Seminar....check out her meatballs hovering! :-)
Serena uses Luna as a reference.Countess Rose says that Serena can join the seminar - on one condition.
Serena demonstrates her skill at discus throwing.Serena is accepted into the Princess Seminar.
Serena soon finds the seminar a big snore.Ami, Lita, Raye and Mina crash the princess ball.
Ami and Lita are picked to graduate the seminar based on their graceful dancing.Lita realizes something is wrong.
Countess Rose transforms into "Polite Society" - a Negaverse creature.Mina, Serena and Raye go to investigate.
The cats attack Polite Society.Tuxedo Mask shows up - Sailor Moon just can't believe he's her enemy.
Sailor Moon offers cocoa to Polite Society......then transforms her back into Countess Rose.
Tuxedo Mask takes off before Sailor Moon can use Moon Healing Activation on him.Luna wishes Serena was more serious about being a princess.

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