Sailor Moon Pictures from Episode "Worth A Princess' Ransom"

"Worth A Princess' Ransom"

Molly is troubled by vague memories about Nephlite. Molly, Serena and Melvin talk about the upcoming Embassy Ball for Princess Diamond.
Luna wonders if Princess Diamond could be the Moon Princess.Queen Beryl wonders if Princess Diamond's Imperial Crystal is the Empyrean Silver Crystal.
Zoicite wonders if she'll ever get a chance to do Queen Beryl's bidding.Serena's dad gets ready for the ball.
Serena gets an idea.She uses the Luna Pen to disguise herself so she can get into the ball.
Darien awakes from another dream about a princess.Serena uses the name "Countess Popover" to get into the ball.
Maxfield Stanton (Nephlite) asks Molly to dance.Nephlite puts Molly in a trance.
An evil spirit rises out of Nephlite......and puts Molly under his control.
Princess Diamond thinks that Molly is there to be her stand-in.The evil spirit in Molly takes over the Princess.
Serena prevents the Princess from throwing the crystal to Nephlite.Tuxedo Mask catches Serena as she goes over the railing.
Nephlite feels the heat of Sailor Mars' attack.A charm from Sailor Mars drives the evil spirit from the princess.
Sailor Moon prepares to neutralize the evil spirit with her tiara.Luna asks the princess if she is the Moon Princess they are searching for.
The princess is shocked at the sight of a talking cat!As the princess shows off her family's treasure, Nephlite is dismayed that it isn't the treasure Queen Beryl is after.
That night....Serena dreams of the dance she shared with Tuxedo Mask!

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