Sailor Moon Pictures from Episode "Shutter Bugged"

"Shutter Bugged"

Nephlite rescues photographer Peter Fisher, and makes him his next victim. Serena shows Sammy her invitation to audition to be a model for Peter Fisher.
Peter greets his potential models.Luna sees a group of models vanish when Peter takes their picture.
Serena contacts Ami on her new communicator.Luna tries to stop Serena by tearing a bow off her swimsuit.
Serena gets very angry at Luna.Serena sees models disappear with her own eyes.
Evil Peter is pleased with his work.Sailor Moon disarms Peter.
A Negaverse creature rises up out of the camera.The creature captures Peter and Luna with it's camera.
Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury are the next to be captured.Serena tricks the creature into taking it's own picture.
Nephlite vows that his next plan will work.Peter Fisher tells reporters that his new inspiration is a beautiful heroine from the Moon.
At the same time, Serena is dreaming......about being a princess!

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